A memoir that begins with the author’s assassination attempt is a bulletproof (excuse the pun) way to capture the reader’s attention right from the start. He was saved by the Nokia mobile phone in his chest pocket, but he suffered a significant loss when the nurses mercilessly cut open his best Brioni custom-made suit at the hospital.
“The Eastern Godfather” by Meelis Lao offers a gripping exploration of the dangerous world of organized crime in Eastern Europe. The book delves into the life and operations of a crime lord whose influence extends across borders during a chaotic time when one system is falling apart and a new one is still trying to take shape.
The story begins with a brief look at Meelis’ childhood. As the younger brother, he was constantly bullied by his older brother and his friends, which motivated him to start training and boxing. He was soon drafted into the Soviet army, an experience that only solidified his endurance in a harsh, violent environment and taught him discipline. After being released from the army, his continued training in a boxing club drew him deeper into the underworld of newly independent Estonia. Using his moral compass, above-average fighting skills, and street smarts, he navigates the treacherous landscape of post-Soviet Estonia.
After earning the respect of local businessmen, politicians, and various mafia and underworld leaders, he became the intermediary between these groups. This role, at best, confuses people and, at worst, makes him a target for numerous assassination attempts as he accumulates many enemies.
This book paints a vivid picture of 1990s Estonia through many almost unbelievable, sometimes funny, sometimes tragic stories. I would recommend this book to readers fascinated by crime fiction and real-life criminal world not usually found in history books. Since the ending of the book stops almost mid-action, it is quite obvious that a part two is also planned.
Tallinn: Ellington Print & Production 2023
Elo Pruss
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