Lauri Räpp, Robert Varik „Our Tartu: how many cities can fit into one?“

This interesting book is a good introduction for those who want to know about Tartu’s history, architecture, facts, statistics and more. The removable book cover includes a map of Tartu, which can be unfolded. Every district in this book also has a small map and some empty lines, so there’s a possibility to have your own ideas, meanings, thoughts, while walking through the streets. In Tartu there are actually 18 districts, but in the book we can find 17 chapters. The districts of Ropka and Industrial district of Ropka are covered as one chapter. Each chapter tells a story about the district now, has an unique illustration to describe it and also some fun facts to make the stories more interesting. One of the newest districts is Kvissentali – a new district with an old soul. It has boasted a street library since 2021. I found it interesting that in Raadi-Kruusamäe, there was a military airfield during Soviet period – a nuclear target for the United States and now there is an Estonian National museum. I did find many new interesting facts – the Anne Canal was originally designed to serve as a rowing canal, the longest bridge is Friendsip Bridge, not only in Tartu but in Estonia as well. 

Illustrations support the story and convey the spirit of Tartu. Some of them are really hilarious like on page 58. 

This book will be interesting for locals and for tourists who want to know more about Tartu.


Published: Tartu Linnamuuseum, 2024
Illustrated: Sasha Milyakina

Katrin Antonenko
Tallinn Liivalaia library

“Our Tartu” in e-catalogue ESTER

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